Bilingualism Matters opened in Konstanz, Germany, in January 2014 under the name Zentrum für Mehrsprachigkeit. This branch is part of the EU funded AThEME project .
Branch aims
- To conduct and coordinate research that seeks to uncover how children and adults acquire languages across the lifespan (L1, L2, L3, Lx);
- To disseminate research to professional audiences (e.g., teaching and health professionals), communicate the outcomes of research to policy makers, and inform the general public about research outcomes that have an impact to their everyday life;
- To train early stage researchers in Multilingualism.
The branch will focus particularly on the following areas:
• ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE – including research proposals and publications, an interdisciplinary research colloquium, and public lectures;
• INFORMING FAMILIES – through monthly events, a telephone surgery, and information sessions
• IMPROVING PRACTICE – by advising public bodies in the field of multilingualism and collaborating with education services
Get in touch
Visit their website: Zentrum für Mehrsprachigkeit
The Konstanz team

Prof. Theo MarinisBranch Director, Professor of Multilingualism

Prof. Janet Grijzenhout
Founder of BM Konstanz & Associated member; Professor of English Linguistics
Janet Grijzenhout is Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Konstanz.
Research interests - phonology, morphology and syntax within the English linguistic region; first language acquisition; phonetics; historical linguistics; Middle and Early Modern English; comparative linguistics (esp. concerning Germanic and Celtic languages); Multilingualism.

Prof. Janet GrijzenhoutFounder of BM Konstanz & Associated member; Professor of English Linguistics

Prof. Josef Bayer
Professor of German Linguistics at the University of Konstanz

Prof. Josef BayerResearcher

Prof. Claudia Diehl Researcher

Prof. Georg Kaiser Researcher

Dr Muna Pohl Researcher

Dr. Eleanor CoghillLinguist

Dr Tilmann Heil Sociologist

Dr Svenja Kornher Diversity Officer

Dr Margarita Stolarova Psychologist

Monika LindauerPhD Candidate