Bilingualism Matters opened in New Jersey, USA, in May 2015, hosted by the the department of Spanish and Portuguese at Rutgers University.
Branch aims
To promote the benefits of bilingualism by bridging the gap between science and society through workshops and information sessions at schools and community events.
Get in touch
Visit their website: Bilingualism Matters at Rutgers
Like their facebook page: Bilingualism Matters at Rutgers
Leadership team
Benjamin KinsellaBranch Director
Abril JiménezEvents Coordinator & Bilingualism Matters International Board Member
Cristina LozanoCommunity Agency Director
Patricia Gonzalez DarribaSecretary
Professor Liliana Sanchez
Faculty Representative
Research interests - bilingual and comparative syntax. In bilingual syntax, her current work focuses on crosslinguistic influence across language components especially syntax, morphology and informational structure (Spanish-English, Spanish-Quechua). In comparative syntax, she works on the interface between informational structure and morphosyntax (Spanish-Quechua). She is also interested in language assessment in minority populations.