Trondheim branch

Trondheim Logo

Bilingualism Matters opened in Trondheim, Norway, on 28th November 2016. The branch is hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Branch aims

Flere språk til flere aims to provide support to families, teachers and other people affected by bilingualism in order to:

  • Answer questions from parents and teachers about bilingualism
  • Increase people’s knowledge about advantages of bilingualism
  • Provide information about good strategies to promote bilingual language development
  • Make research on bilingualism available to the public
  • Act as a link between people in multilingual environments

Get in touch

Visit their website: Flere språk til flere
Follow them on twitter: @flersprak
Be friends on Facebook

The Trondheim team

Dr. Anne Dahl

Branch Co-director, Associate Professor

<a href=""></a>

Dr. Anne Dahl

Dr. Anne Dahl

Branch Co-director, Associate Professor

Dr. Kjersti Faldet Listhaug

Branch Co-director, Associate Professor

<a href=""></a>

Dr. Kjersti Faldet Listhaug

Dr. Kjersti Faldet Listhaug

Branch Co-director, Associate Professor

Professor Kristin Melum Eide

&lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;

Professor Kristin Melum Eide

Professor Kristin Melum Eide

Professor Tor A. Åfarli

Professor Tor A. Åfarli

Professor Brit Mæhlum

Professor Brit Mæhlum

Professor Terje Lohndal

Professor Terje Lohndal

Professor Annjo Klungervik Greenall

Professor Annjo Klungervik Greenall

Professor Mila Vulchanova

Professor Mila Vulchanova

Professor Kaja Borthen

Professor Kaja Borthen

Dr. Dave Kush

Dr. Dave Kush

Associate Professor
Nicole Busby

Nicole Busby

PhD Candidate
Tina Ringstad

Tina Ringstad

PhD Candidate
Linda Evenstad Emilsen

Linda Evenstad Emilsen

PhD Candidate
Anne Mette Sunde

Anne Mette Sunde

PhD Candidate

Dr. Lindsay Nicole Ferrara

Associate professor
Dr. Lindsay Nicole Ferrara

Dr. Lindsay Nicole Ferrara

Associate professor

Nora Merethe Strand Sletteng

Assistant professor
Nora Merethe Strand Sletteng

Nora Merethe Strand Sletteng

Assistant professor

Charlotte Helene Agerup

Assistant Professor
Charlotte Helene Agerup

Charlotte Helene Agerup

Assistant Professor

Professor Anna-Lena Nilsson

Professor Anna-Lena Nilsson

Professor Anna-Lena Nilsson

Torill Ringsø

PhD student
Torill Ringsø

Torill Ringsø

PhD student

Guro Busterud

Associate Professor (BM Team Affiliate)

Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo

Guro Busterud

Guro Busterud

Associate Professor (BM Team Affiliate)

Signe Rix Berthelin

Assistant Professor (BM Team Affiliate)

Department of Teacher Education, NTNU

Signe Rix Berthelin

Signe Rix Berthelin

Assistant Professor (BM Team Affiliate)

Anna Krulatz

Associate Professor (BM Team Affiliate)

Department of Teacher Education, NTNU

Anna Krulatz

Anna Krulatz

Associate Professor (BM Team Affiliate)