Refugee Week 2020

We had two webinars to mark Refugee Week 2020, exploring and celebrating language diversity, and discussing questions on topics such as home language maintenance, and language and identity. The questions came from the refugee community and from those who attended the webinars. Both webinars were recorded and can now be viewed on YouTube.

Monday 15th June, 2pm – 3pm
Prof Antonella Sorace (University of Edinburgh, Bilingualism Matters) in conversation with Nadin Akta (University of Edinburgh, Syrian Futures Project), hosted by Eva-Maria Schnelten (University of Edinburgh PhD student in Linguistics, Bilingualism Matters volunteer)
Answers to questions that could not be covered during the webinar are available here (pdf).

Friday 19th June, 2pm – 3pm
Dr Katerina Strani (Associate Professor of Cultural Studies, Heriot Watt University) in discussion with Bilingualism Matters volunteers Marianne Azar (University of Edinburgh, MSc In Psychology of Language student) and Maria Dokovova (Queen Margaret University, PhD student in Phonetics)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to these sessions.